Tuesday, 12 August 2014

PRASA must account to SCOPA for Jacob Zuma Propaganda Project

The DA will write to the chairperson of Parliament's Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Themba Godi, demanding that the CEO of Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), Lucky Montana, be summoned to Parliament to account for the spending of public money on political propaganda unrelated to the mandate of the agency. This follows the appearance of an insert in 8 national newspapers, entitled the “The Jacob Zuma Legacy Special”, which is sponsored by the state entity. In a reply to a DA Parliamentary Question, the Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, claims that a newspaper insert, called the “Jacob Zuma Legacy Report” appeared in 9 publications and cost the taxpayer R4 642 725.57. It was commissioned “… to tell PRASA’s story, through advertising, [and its] bold and ambitious plans to bring the best passenger rail services in the country…” Yet the 16 page insert was nothing more than a glorification of President Jacob Zuma’s previous term as head of state with no reference to PRASA’s own mandate. The R4.6 million spent on this project is therefore constitutes wasteful expenditure with a purely political motivation. PRASA is a state entity mandated to, in consultation with the Department of Transport, ensure the provision of long haul passenger rail and bus services as set out in section 4 of the National Land Transport Transition Act. With the insert bearing no significant connection to this very clear mandate, the publication can only be viewed as a desperate move to try and rectify President Zuma’s embattled public image. The Minister’s response seemingly amounts to a duplicitous attempt to mislead not only Parliament but also the South African people as to how taxpayers’ money is spent by this state entity. The DA will request that detailed minutes to all meetings relating to the commissioning of the newspaper insert be presented to the Committee so as to come to the truth behind the commissioning of the report and whether the Minister has deliberately mislead Parliament and the South African people. This recent wasteful expenditure of taxpayer’s money is made even more egregious given recent price increases in commuter rail prices at Metrorail, overcrowding on trains, and poor security. The money spent on supporting the ANC’s propaganda campaign could have been better utilised in ensuring the provision of better and cheaper services to millions of South African commuters and businesses. Officials at PRASA must appear before Parliament to account for the publication, and satisfy Parliament as to how the publication served to advance the organisation’s mandate. The public demands absolute transparency and accountability from all state entities and the DA will not let this clear abuse of funds go unanswered.

Transport Department squanders money while they squeeze the taxpayer

Just as I thought that things couldn’t get worse; it did. The Minister of Transport is intent on squeezing the taxpayer via the e-tolls programme, yet at the same time it squanders taxpayer’s money with no thought or consequence. In replies to questions by the DA, the Minister’s own replies to our questions confirm that over R1 billion were spent on irregular expenditure. The astronomical number results from contracts mostly being extended without approval and procurement procedures not being followed. The figures tell us a story; tax payer’s money is not being respected, procedures and proper approvals are simply being ignored. The R1 078 476 847, 00 could’ve been spent to pay off the Sanral R1 billion e-toll debt that Minister Dipuo Peters admitted it’s in. How can the Transport department justify this when they continue to intimidate citizens into paying their multi-billion rand e-tolls system!