Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Not issuing a temporary ID is an Election ploy

In the last week I have been inundated with queries from people who have made application for IDs. These people were not issued temporary IDs as is the norm. A temporary ID allows citizens a form of identity whist waiting for the ID for which they applied. A number of these people have made enquiries with the Department of Home Affairs; the standard reply is that either their “system is down”, the application is “still being processed” and that temporary IDs are no longer issued. I find it suspicious that on the eve of an election, many people are being disenfranchised of their vote because they will have no form of identification for when casting their ballot. One cannot vote if one does not produce a form of identification. Is there a concerted effort by Home Affairs, and their political masters, to ensure that some South Africans are unable to vote? It appears so. Anyone in this position must go to their local Home Affairs office and demand a temporary ID so that they are able to vote. They should do this even on Election Day when Home Affairs offices will be open from 07h00 to 21h00. Do not take “no” for an answer; every registered citizen should be able to vote without obstacles being placed in their way.